Monday, September 14, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today's artwork features St. Athanasius (293 - 373), Patriarch of Alexandria and Doctor of the Church. In spite of his eccesial responsibilities and involvement in doctrinal disputes, Athanasius maintained contact with the hermits and monks of the Egyptian desert.

Opening Prayer
God of tender mercy,
we praise and thank you for this day of our salvation.
We come before you at this morning hour,
eager to sing of the wonders of your love.
In Christ Jesus,
you have redeemed us from the darkness of death
and brought us into your marvelous light.
Now all creation gives you praise.
Cause of our joy,
we celebrate the wonders of your love
as we accept your will for us this day.
All praise and honor be yours
through Christ and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever. Amen.

Monastic Wisdom on Reverence
In a society that depends on reputation to such a degree that people build themselves up by tearing other people down, the chapter on mutual obedience turns the world awry. Monastic spirituality says that we are to honor one another. We are to listen to one another. We are to reach across boundaries and differences in this fragmented world and see in our differences distinctions of great merit that can mend a competitive, uncaring, and foolish world.

Closing Prayer
Courteous God, hear our morning prayer. May the light of your glory scatter the darkness of sin and death. May your radiance among us herald the coming of your peace to all the world. We ask this through Christ, light of the world. Amen.

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